Before deciding to play online poker, you should really have a look at the most important poker tips to help you minimise avoidable losses and perhaps even win more poker hands. Consider this some poker training to take your poker skills to the next stage! Who knows? You could join the more advanced players in sweeping the chips off poker tables in the future.
As a disclaimer, do know that this isnât one of the strategy articles that advertises a 100% win rate. We would advise steering clear of poker sites that advertise such a thing, since there is no magical poker tip that can help you win the pot every time. Your best bet is to familiarise yourself with game theory and general poker strategies to help you avoid committing some common mistakes.
Without further ado, letâs start unpacking these poker strategy tips and make a professional poker player out of you!
There are two ways to play poker: tight and loose. Playing tight means being very particular about the hands you play, thus betting on a lower range of poker hands. On the other hand, playing loose means pursuing a very high range of hands until later streets, where theyâll mostly have to fold to stronger or better-played hands.
In normal poker games, we advise playing tight for a number of reasons. First off, not all hands are worth playing, especially considering the number of chips that a weak hand can send to waste. Playing fewer hands will not only preserve your chip stack, but it will also disguise your strong hands in the future.
Once you learn to play tight â that is, folding relatively weak hands and only pursuing hands on the stronger side â youâll want to play them aggressively. Doing so will render you unpredictable to your opponents, since theyâll have no idea whether youâre sitting on a very strong hand or just air.
Such practice is called semi-bluffing, where a relatively promising hand is played extremely aggressively. If other players decide to call your ostensible bluff, theyâll be greeted with a formidable hand that can very easily overcome theirs. Weâll touch more on semi-bluffing later on.
Sensing that your opponentâs cards are better than yours is a skill that experienced poker players tend to have, and youâll acquire it the more you play the game. Instead of taking the risk and playing a losing hand, it is sometimes better to respect the pot odds and fold. Saving your chips for another round is what separates a good poker player from a bad one.
After all, there is no shame in folding and living to fight another day. It is advisable to learn from such a defeat and examine what went wrong in the first place. Whether it was a big raise preflop or a consistent sequence of bets, the chances are that an action taken by your opponent should have rang your alarm bells that they are sitting on a monster.
Having said that, this isnât necessarily the case. Losses in a poker game are sometimes unavoidable, which is why moving on and learning from past streets is the way to go.
In order to predict the strength â or lack thereof â of your opponentâs hands, youâll have to closely examine your opponents overall behaviour. A great time to do this is when you have folded your hand, but this must be done throughout the entirety of the poker session.
Instead of giving in to boredom, put that downtime to good use by taking a closer look at your opponentsâ actions. Pay attention to when they tend to raise and if they prefer slow playing strong hands or not. These small crumbs of information might prove to be invaluable in future streets, when you could possibly face off with them for some big pots.
After all, âtellsâ in poker rely on predicting your opponentâs poker hand after having studied their play for a while. The term âtellâ in the context of poker refers to the hints you could pick up that opponents reveal in certain situations. For instance, if a player tends to play extremely tight and raises suddenly, that seems like a tell that they have a very strong made hand.
Owing to their close observations, it is said that experienced poker players can spot a bad player within the first half-hour of play. This usually leads to their preying on said playerâs inexperience, which is why this is the most lucrative poker strategy for said players.
Online poker is a very demanding game, and our mental game tends to not always be up for it on any given day. Forcing your way onto a poker table after a bad day is rarely a good idea, since youâll be tempted to play aggressively regardless of whether the situation calls for it. This will inevitably lead to your bankroll paying a very avoidable price.
Before looking to play a poker game, we would advise making a status check to see where youâre at emotionally. Are you still tilted about yesterdayâs lost poker hand? Are you finding it hard to separate frustrating life events from poker games? In both cases, we would advise against playing. Do not disregard your mental game, since your performance at the poker table will take a dive if you do!
Do not forget that poker should be a recreational activity, and if it doesnât feel that way at any point in time, we recommend taking a break until youâre up for it again. All the best poker players in the world take breaks, so why shouldnât you do the same when your poker batteries need recharging?
Throughout your poker journey, youâll realise that players tend to check as much as possible when holding a relatively weak hand. The purpose behind this tactic is to reach the showdown with as few chips invested in the pot as possible. In such cases, if any players place a bet of substantial value, they would be able to fold without making a dent in their chip stack.
If your opponents seem reluctant to place bets, you could capitalise on their passive play by playing aggressively, even if you have air. Known as bluffing, this tactic is said to work pretty well if your tell is correct. The flip side to this would be that your opponent is slow-playing their hand, which could end up badly for you if youâve got nothing but air.
In the face of a value bet, players who have been checking through every street will not be very keen on calling your bet, especially if itâs a large one. With that said, this isnât always the case since there is always an element of risk when playing poker.
Beginner poker players are advised to start playing at lower-stakes poker tables rather than battling it out against whales. They can choose to do the latter once theyâve racked up enough experience under their belt, but it isnât advised to do that from the get-go.
Although youâll want to win money right off the bat, you definitely need to play a poker game or two to build some experience and learn about the game. This doesnât mean that you should stick to free games, of course, since there are plenty of low-stakes cash games out there.
The beginning of poker careers is oriented towards grasping the basics while building upon that as time goes on. With time, youâll be able to recognise the nuances of each situation and play differently depending on the situation you find yourself in.
One of the most utilised and least talked about poker strategy tips is having patience and never giving in to raw emotions. Seeing as the tides of poker can change haphazardly, it is completely fundamental to remain poised at all times and not let your emotions affect your poker strategy.
The truth about poker is that youâll be dealt many more losing hands than winning ones. Most hands are statistically very unlikely to win, even though they can take home a pot if played correctly and if Lady Luck is on your side. Knowing when the poker odds are swinging in your favour and acting on it requires patience â even if it means sitting out hands that look good on paper, such as pocket Queens.
If you begin to notice that your attempts at remaining composed are falling flat, it might be a good idea to have a break and return to the poker game once youâve cooled off. Incessantly persisting and trying to win back your lost money is a recipe for disaster, so itâs best to avoid that ending by having a good break. There is never a âneedâ to play poker, so donât push yourself to play a few rounds if you donât feel like it. Trust us, this is the best poker tip you can really ask for!
Are all your attempts at bluffing failing? Donât worry; that doesnât only happen to amateur players! Bluffing well is a skill that takes a lot of time to learn, and it remains a hit or miss at the end of the day.
A good introduction to bluffing is semi-bluffing: which involves playing aggressively with a hand that, although not made, has the potential to become a winning hand in later streets. Such hands include but are not limited to flush draws and straight draws. Although bluffing with air can bear its fruits in the right circumstances, semi-bluffing can pay off really well if future streets allow.
Although semi-bluffing is far from a win-win, it has the potential to either steal the current pot, or better yet, pay off in later streets when a hand is made and the pot is larger. Do not underestimate the potential risk of a semi-bluff, since it can go just as badly as a normal bluff can.
So far, most of the poker strategy tips we have mentioned serve for all ranges of poker players, especially new ones. This poker tip, however, is aimed toward experienced players who frequently partake in poker tournaments or major competitions.
During the early stages of a tournament, we recommend playing aggressively. The reason for this is to avoid being short-stacked when the bubble rolls around. You should be looking to build up a decent stack during the primary stages of a tournament, since this would go on to serve you well during the more delicate stages of the competition. The bubble is when things get remarkably delicate, and a loss of money during that stage can mean the end of your presence at the tournament.
Avoid that fate by starting off with a bang. Do not slow-play your hands during the primary stages of a tournament and try not to pass up good opportunities to build what will eventually be your lifeline.
Limping â that is, calling the big blind preflop â is generally not recommended unless your hand is exceptionally strong. Being the first player to voluntarily invest in the pot isnât a very desirable position, since the other players acting after you are free to re-raise and take the pot for themselves.
The foundation of this poker tip is that having a player act after you is a great disadvantage, since youâre ultimately at their mercy to check or call your bet. Should they opt for re-raising instead, they will place every other player in the position of either calling or folding.
Over-limping is considered much more advantageous than just limping. Over-limping simply refers to the act of playing after a player has limped. Seeing as multiple players have acted before you in this situation, youâre free to act aggressively and steal the pot preflop, granted that no other players have a strong enough hand to call.
In either case, it must be noted that each poker strategy has its strengths and flaws, so it is ultimately a matter of evaluating the situation at hand and making the best decision possible.
One of the most solid poker tips youâll read in this post is to broaden your horizon of terminology related to poker. Whether youâre playing Texas holdâem or Omaha variants, there are certain terms that abbreviate certain situations which, in turn, help quicken discourse. This can and will help when discussing poker with veterans, and who knows; you might learn some nuggets of wisdom if you manage to translate their poker terminology.
A good example is the phrase âslow-playingâ, which refers to the act of passively playing a potentially strong hand. As you can see, the reason why poker players generally make use of jargon is that it helps brevity. Such terminology is not only used in poker table talk, but also in commentary on the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and other major competitions. Being able to understand such commentary can really help you understand the game better and expand on your knowledge.
Another good way to expand on your poker terminology is by playing online and chatting with fellow poker enthusiasts or by consulting the many lists of poker terms out there. Many have gone the distance to create an expansive list of terms that would awe even the biggest professional poker player out there. Although you wonât need to memorise any terms, it might be a good idea to keep such a list by your side when talking to other players or listening to poker commentary.
As tends to happen in almost every player-versus-player game out there, playing poker can often lead to something of an ego war in which players constantly try to get the better of one another. This is often a result of players letting their emotions run loose, and as can be expected, this rarely ends well for them.
Ego wars can look like anything from opponents constantly placing a continuation bet, a repeated blocking bet and even some value bets to push your buttons. In this case, your best poker strategy would be to assess your hand in relation to the board texture and your opponentsâ hands, then act accordingly.
We donât really blame you if an ego war is doing your head in. Indeed, it can be very frustrating to lose a few hands to the same player, even if you thought that the pot odds were in your favour. Having said that, the golden rule that every player should learn before starting to play poker is to separate their emotions from the table.
Many factors contribute to winning a hand, and some of them are beyond our control. Although that aspect of the game can be frustrating, it is what makes it very exciting and worth playing.
Among the poker tips that separate a winning poker player from a losing one is the fact that every move your opponent makes is a clue. With each clue, you must form an opinion about your opponentâs hand and act accordingly.
A raise is a very significant clue that must be paid attention to. Beginner poker players tend to walk right into raises, not knowing that the reason for that raise is because their opponentâs cards may have formed a great hand on the turn or river.
Knowing whether our opponentâs raise is a result of a bluff or evidence of a monster hand is something only a very experienced player can do, and the margin for error nevertheless remains large. Having said that, there are certain ways how you can tell whether your opponentâs raise is a bluff or not.
The most obvious method to achieve that is to pay attention to previous streets; did your opponent check their way to the showdown, only to place a huge bet thereafter? On the other hand, did your opponent place a small bet in each street, only to go ham in the showdown? Chances are that the former is a bluff and the latter is evidence of a very strong hand.
In any case, it is sometimes impossible to predict which of the two possibilities is the truth. We would advise assessing the situation and making the best decision possible with the clues you have thus far. In poker, that is sometimes the only option available.
Player positions are extremely relevant in every poker game out there, which is why the next poker tip weâll discuss is precisely about that.
Playing at a later position in the betting order is considered an advantage, since youâll get to act after most players and thus affect the tableâs dynamic as you wish. Considering that each player at the table will have acted before you, youâll have had a sneak peek at their behaviour. For example, if most opponents have checked preflop, you could choose to sway the pot odds in your favour by raising, thus potentially stealing the pot preflop.
On the other hand, playing at the early positions is quite an awkward position to be in. Each opponent will be able to tell the range of your poker hand, and they might swing the pot odds their way by raising. You wonât be able to tell if any of your opponents have premium hands or if theyâll just check their ace high.
The early position is already unfavourable in online poker, so you could imagine how risky it becomes in tournament poker, where every chip could make or break the success of even the best poker player around.
The middle position can be the sweet spot for some players, although it remains less advantageous than the early positions. This is because youâll be able to act after several players have acted, but youâll still be somewhat at the mercy of players acting after you do. Middle positions usually result in players caught between two extremes, but some players can still make it work if their hand and their decisions are on point.
The bottom line is that you should base your poker strategy depending on your position at the table. Feel free to fold a mediocre hand if you donât like your position. On the other hand, feel free to exploit your late position at the table. You might not have many opportunities to do so!
One of the most obvious yet important poker tips out there is to avoid cold calling. Weâre not simply talking against playing loosely, but weâre also referring to cold calling â the act of calling despite not yet having invested money in the pot.
There are a couple of reasons why we advise against that. First off, players who act in a late position at the table can freely re-raise to an amount that youâre not comfortable calling, thus rendering your cold call strategy a waste of money.
Secondly, if your hand isnât great and you havenât invested in the pot yet, why run the risk of sinking money in a pot that can become highly contested after youâve acted?
Although it makes sense to cold call with a top pair or other great draws, sinking money into the pot without a great hand isnât advisable. Remember: most hands have a very low win rate, so itâs not a good idea to put money in the pot if youâre not very confident with your hand.
If anything, this poker tip will help you preserve your bankroll â something we will discuss right below.
The most useful poker tip you could ever learn is to establish a budget and stick to it no matter what. This isnât just a poker strategy; sticking to a budget must be done when playing any cash game out there.
Before looking to play cash games, you should have an accurate idea of the size of your budget, and you should stick to it no matter what the result of your wagering is.
When you start playing poker games, it isnât a good idea to constantly look to make a profit. You are better off establishing a budget and stretching your bankroll as much as possible while learning about the game.
One of the most common poker mistakes out there is throwing bankroll management out of the window and going all-in in one final attempt to recoup past losses. This is a very bad idea and it often ends up losing the player more money than anticipated.
There is a lot that can be said about the integrity of poker sites and casinos, but letâs focus about how you identify the shady ones out there.
When browsing for casinos to play at, the licences â if any â that the casino holds. Licences from the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), the United Kingdom Gambling Authority (UKGC) or Curacao are three of the most esteemed gaming authorities out there, which usually means that they are safe and legitimate.
Casinos without any licences or certifications stand a good chance of being scams, where their main goal is to make you lose as much money as possible and obtain your personal information in the process.
If youâre looking for a place to put some poker strategies or poker tips to good use, then you donât need any further. Weâve got dozens of poker games in our portfolio, including several Texas holdâem variants and many other interesting tables for you to explore. That isnât to mention the trove of live poker variants we have on offer, most of which have been developed by Live Casino giants Evolution, Pragmatic Play and BetGames.
If youâre looking to shift gears and try other online games, weâve got you covered. Head to our portfolio to explore hundreds of table games, which include classics like live roulette, live blackjack and live baccarat, on top of all-new variants with unique side bets and extraordinary rewards.
If youâve enjoyed this poker strategy guide and want to find more poker tips, check out more of our HotSlots blog posts. We have written covered many other areas that can help hone your poker skills, so donât let an opportunity to learn how to master the game go begging!